Thursday, October 31, 2013

TBT: Halloween Edition

Happy Halloween!!!! In honor of this glorious holiday, I thought I would take a walk down memory lane. Here are some of my favorite Halloween costumes from past years. Enjoy! 

 Zombie Bride & Groom
Jon Snow & Khaleesi from Game of Thrones
 Hula Girl

 Bret Michaels & Ballerina
Raggedy Ann
Freddy Krueger & the Queen of Hearts
American Psycho

What are you going to be for Halloween this year?? Stay tuned to see how this year's costume turns out! (Hint: It involves a lot of leather!) 

Happy Halloween!! 

P.S. Linked up today with Everyday Fashion and Finance!


  1. Such fun costumes! We didn't dress up this year, but now I have some ideas for next year! Thanks for sharing with Three-fer Thursday!
    xo Bethany

    1. Thanks, Bethany!! Hope you had a great Halloween!

      Xx Kelly
